Sound Therapy as a therapeutic exercise has been used for many years by professional massage therapists, chiropractors and others with whom you may already be familiar. This type of therapy has helped to relieve tension headaches caused by vibrational frequency patterns found in the neck and head area. Sound Therapy as a therapy technique was also used during the early days of the concept of chiropractic care to help relieve painful spinal misalignments. With sound healing training, your health will get restored.
Sound Therapy as a Therapy technique is a non-invasive, safe process that is used to treat a wide range of medical conditions such as headaches, tension headaches, migraine headaches, chronic migraines, sleep disorders, depression, stress and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Sound Therapy is also used on patients experiencing sleep apnea, snoring, extreme fatigue, lack of concentration, short-term memory loss, headaches after eating or drinking, sinus and ear infections, sinus infections, ear infections, TMJ or temporomandibular joint issues, Meniere's disease and much more. The sound energy, or sound vibration, produced by various sounds at different frequencies ranges is able to penetrate through the skin and reach the brain through the ear canal. This stimulation provides the link between the physical and psychological health.
In order to provide a sound therapy training to students, an introductory level is offered to teach them the basics of sound therapy as well as its applications. It should include the fundamentals of acoustics, physiology, anatomy, safety, recording techniques and proper use of equipment. A two to four week intensive class is offered to students in Sound Healing for Health and Wellness, founded by Marlise Johnson, PhD, a world-renowned sound healer and consultant with over 30 years of experience in the field of sound healing. It not only teaches the basics of sound therapy but also offers group sound healing sessions that help students practice sound therapy while forming an understanding of the theory behind it and applying it to real life situations.
The four-week program includes lectures on audiology, physiology, anatomy, acoustics and recording techniques, with practical cases to motivate students to participate. The first week consists of lectures about audiology, followed by physiology and anatomy lessons, then acoustics and finally tuning forks and transducers for sound therapy. During the second week, the students receive technical support from Marlise Johnson herself, who walks the class through application of sound therapy in a live studio setup using tuning forks, microphones, computer programs and VoIP equipment. There are several audiology studios in the area that offer sound therapy for health and wellness services to clients. During the last week, the students work together in a group and apply sound therapy healing to real life situations with Marlise Johnson as the guide.
The class utilizes the theory of EFT, energy healing and modified yoga for sound therapy and recovery. The modified yoga session focuses on the head, neck and body with the belief that sound can change the energy field around your body giving you heightened awareness and even allowing for the removal of blockages and even injury and disease. Sound healing training incorporates biofeedback with the use of tuning forks and earplugs to enhance the healing process with the use of sound waves. Biofeedback teaches you how to monitor your own healing process through monitoring and controlling your own body's bioelectric fields. If you want to train in sound therapy, view here for more.
Crystal singing bowls also play a role in healing training. These bowls produce a specific pitch that when speaking stimulates the different meridian points in the body to activate the healing and restoration of tissue damage caused by trauma or even a simple injury. When used with tuning forks and other tools the crystal singing bowl provides you with an enhanced sense of awareness and allows for the transfer of energy from one area to another. The crystal singing bowls vibration can be tuned to any natural frequency and this helps to accelerate the recovery process.
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